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BMaker11 said:
LudicrousSpeed said:

I'm a fanboy because looking back on two conferences, I am more impressed with the one where much more of the stuff shown has actually been released and is good? Hilarious. It's really amazing how caught up on this you are. But please, keep trying to play chess while I'm happily playing checkers.

 that's fanboyism. 

Another novel of a reply laced with dramatic over thinking of such a simple concept. Again, not sure why it has you so caught up, but there's nothing fanboy about it. It's just good old fashioned common sense. You're welcome to disagree or have a different opinion, but to label mine in a negative way is just silly. Hope that helps. Try looking at E3 2015 individually and remember it's a year later look back. All this BS about past E3's and future E3's just shows you're either really reaching for substance, or badly missing the point. Either way it's boring and I am done.