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Here is it. For those who don't want to read everything : it's good with some little flaws about framerate (much like Bayonetta 2)


"The most striking addition to Star Fox Zero is the new control method. [...] As a result of this shift, the learning curve is much steeper than any previous Star Fox game. The system works brilliantly once you get the hang of it, and the built-in gyrometer is again surprisingly accurate for targeting. The only quibble we have on this front is the need to re-centre the reticle - by pressing the Y button - on rare occasions where your orientation drifts. Splitting the gameplay between two screens also takes some adapting to; you can focus purely on the HDTV if you like, but the targeting reticle is prone to moving outside the visible range of that display. Getting on board with the idea of switching screens is key, and there's a definite power to this multi-task approach once you master it."


"Performance is tested on the game's release code, and 60fps is the intended target with v-sync engaged. However, while long stretches of play hold at that top refresh figure, it's certainly not a perfect lock on that number. It's clear the first stage's deluge of water shaders and alpha effects really test Wii U's mettle, and the net result is intermittent dips to around 50fps. At its extremes in the following Sector Alpha stage, a space mission set around warring motherships, that can even lurch down to 40fps for the heaviest bursts of action. [...] The fact its frame-rate is in flux is a shame though, and as a result, controller response isn't quite as solid as we had hoped. Much like the developer's earlier work on the excellent Bayonetta, it's essentially a 50-60fps range in performance, but the quality of the game makes its shortfall easier to forgive."


"Star Fox Zero thrives on some brilliantly orchestrated levels - an arcade-style experience with unique, well-worked controls. Visually, it may be built on relatively simple geometric designs for aircraft and terrain, but it's a clean, practical style that meshes well with its rapid pace."


" The native resolution of the main screen is 1280x720 (no anti-aliasing applied here), but this also has to combine with the 854x480 resolution of the smaller display. Tallied together, the overall pixel output is higher than your typical Wii U title."


"It's the core hook of the experience though, and Star Fox Zero benefits hugely from the dynamic it brings. It gives more power to the player, and with practice, there's potential to pull off some incredible level runs. But the fact that alpha effects cue each dip is revealing, and a telltale sign that Wii U's memory bandwidth is indeed a bottleneck in this instance - a resource also tapped into by the console's chosen pixel output. Delivering 60fps gameplay to two screens at once is no small feat, and while removing the second screen may well have locked the performance level, it would have robbed the game of its innovating gameplay mechanic.."


"In all, Star Fox Zero brings something unexpected to the table, and we've enjoyed our time with it so far. Due for release on April 22nd, it's one of the last major Wii U releases on the calender, but ranks alongside Super Mario Maker as one of the best uses of its unique GamePad. It's a great send-off for a system that now appears to be on its last stretch. Looking to Nintendo's plans for the NX though, it'll be interesting to see how backwards compatibility is handled - or not - for games so tightly woven into the design of its current machine."