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Mr Puggsly said:

The real tail end of N64 was arguably 2000/2001. In 2001 the N64 had very few games (kinda like 2015 in 7th gen) and 2002 was a Tony Hawk 3 port, it was basically dead after 2000.

While the N64 expansion pack came in 1998 it wasn't a common device until Nintendo started bundling it with games. Coincidently that when support became more common.

Bottom line, X1 and PS4 could get signficiant hardware upgrades without a price hike. That appeals to me versus another 8 years of the same hardware. Maybe it would just take longer for the hardware to hit $249. Anyway, lets just wait and see what happens.

It released in the second year, then Nintendo had to bundle it with games that only work with it to make it sell.
Does that sound appealing for a X1.5/ps4.5. Exclusives bundled with the upgraded console that don't work on the old one?

Why do you think it will be another 8 years? An 11 year console cycle?

They could get a hardware upgrade by resetting profit margins back to zero and spending extra R&D, marketing, storage for different sku's etc. That will slow down this generation and will lead to a longer generation rather than a real upgrade in 2019 or 2020. Instead of getting new graphics engines etc in 4 years, you'll still be getting games tailored to the base model with the extra hardware mostly unused.