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BMaker11 said:
Versus_Evil said:
So reading through the thread and the same user being discredited and ganged up on over and over, if I was to say Microsoft won because I thought Sony had a rubbish showing, FF ive never liked and ive never played shenmue and Microsoft had by far the best showing because I preferred what they showed would I to get the same 4 users ganging up on me?...

It's one thing to "prefer what they've shown". Like I pointed out before, MS showed games like Recore and Gears 4, which are games to be rightfully hyped about. But when your reasoning for a conference being better is because "most of what they've shown has come out" (which is a good reason, in of itself)......but what has come out are the games they showed at E3 2013 and 2014??

It'd be like me saying "In retrospect, Sony won E3 2006 because FFXV is releasing in a few months". The logic just doesn't add up that games announced years ago finally coming out is the reason you win the most recent E3, just because you decided to show those games one more time. It's faulty reasoning. But the person being "ganged up on" won't admit it. 

There are plenty of legitimate reasons to believe MS won E3 2015. "Games from E3 2013 and 2014 releasing" isn't one. 
