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Cloudman said:
pastro243 said:
I want to recommend some I have been reading lately

- Cage of Edén
- Btooom!
- Aka akatoretachi no monogatari
- Zetman

And some "classics"
- Rurouni Kenshin
- Berserk

I added them all except Cage of Eden. I found the manga, but I wasn't sure if it was the one you meant. I could have sworn I've seen Cage of Eden before, but the one I found looked to be different from what I remember. Do you have a picture of the cover or something?

Oh yeah, I looked over the other manga as well. They all seem interesting. Btooom! has the cover like an XB360 game and even feels like one, but in manga form. The art is pretty detailed and the overall story felt like a type of Gantz but in a video game. It seems very interesting and funny inthe sense of what it is sort of parodying/drawing inspiration from. I feel like fans of shooters may really like this one.

Aka Aka was a fun read as well. The vampire deer seemed really crazy and scary. I was certain someone was going to die, but those 2 ninja guys did well together. I imagine things will go down later. Also feel there is some perverted mature stuff in here from what I saw looking for a cover, haha.

Zetman seems reeeally interesting. The art is also very detailed, and it feels like a sort of hero manga, but a dark/more realistic one. I kind of got pulled into it as well and read a couple of chapters. I feel like this one is a really good read and already starts off with a sad loss in the beginning.

I didn't add Kenshin and Berserk because I feel like those are well known ones people know about, and the recommended page is starting to get full, haha... I will def cover Kenshin some time, as it's my all time favorite manga

Thank you! Rk is my all time favorite too. 


I figured Btooom! Would be a nice thing to recommend on a videogame forum because of the plot. And Zetman is awesome, too bad I had to stop reading for a lot of time and now I can't remember where I left it


I think the original name of Cage of eden was eden no ori. It's fun if you like survival manga and prehistoric animals and stuff. Has it's fair share of ecchi which can sometimes be good or bad haha