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zero129 said:
Why is people using the MS UMA or whatever its called for why this would be a bad idea??.
Does all multiplat games on PC run like shit when they are not using that MS platform??.

They don't, yet getting acceptable performance is left up to the user.

Elite Dangerous runs between 30fps and 7fps on my laptop and can go down to 0.5fps while leaving 80% of my CPU unused, as well as 80% of my ram causing it to take upto 20 seconds again to load a system map again it just loaded 10 seconds ago. You need a big overhead compared to consoles to keep the performance stable, developers simply don't have the time to optimize for PC hardware configurations.

It would be a gigantic pain in the ass to optimize for multiple console hardware specs, hence gens are 6 years long on average to keep this multiplatform stuff under control. Consoles are build on the premise to provide a cheap hardware solution that can be used much more efficiently as a comparale PC build, by the virtue of having 1 fixed balanced hardware spec.

We already have PCs, why the need to turn consoles into them.  Key advantage of PC is flexibility and now also in small form factor through Steam boxes, key advantage of consoles is stability and nowadays function as a cheap multimedia center as well.