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Ignoring the obvious ones like Pong, Mario and Doom that either helped create the games industry or entire genres, I'm going to say these two:
Grand Theft Auto: III

Because both arguably redefined entire genres and their effects are still being felt today. Halo broke away from the relentless corridor crawling that had been seen in practically all FPS' up until that point, treated the main character as someone with a finite ability to carry weapons rather than a walking armoury, introduced melee, quick access grenades and regenerating life, plus the ability to control vehicles.

GTA: III on the other hand, while it didn't get rave reviews, it helped to create the open world sandbox which almost all games now take after. While games like Zelda: Ocarina of Time did dabble in it, it still felt very much from going from one staged area to another, whereas GTA: III brought a world to life.

Other games worthy of the greatest game crown would be Zelda: OoT, MGS and Shadow of the Colosus - while the latter didn't do anything revolutionary, it's blend of art style, design and gameplay for me created the most memorable game experience in the last 25 years.