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Soundwave said:
Bofferbrauer said:

Strongly unoptimized. Games on PC could easely have twice the FPS if the developers could tap as deep into the power reserves as one can do on a console. A PC with the exact same hardware as a PS4 wouldn't even have the framerates and/or resolution of the same game on the Xbox ONE despite being more powerful. The reason is because there are so many possible configurations, they have to strike a balance which works on all of them.

A PC needs brute force to overcome this. They do have the brute force, too, high-end GPUs and CPUs are more than 4 times more powerful than a PS4, at the price of consuming much more enrgy than a console possibly could.

PS4 and Xbox ONE where comparable to mid-range PC Hardware when they came out, but now they are getting close to entry-level hardware. This is especially true for the Xbox ONE, where APUs/iGPs are getting close to achieve the same brute calculation power. Despite this, one still needs mid-range Hardware on PC to get the same graphics and resolution than the same game on a console would have.

I have a Nvidia 570 in my PC ... that's a GPU that's like 5 1/2 years old now. It can still run most of the latest games just fine including Street Fighter V and The Witcher III. 

You can run them, but most likely with more or less strongly reduced settings. I'm not saying you can't run the games with older hardware, my point was that to replicate the performance of a console 1:1, a PC needs more power to achieve that goal.

Both SFV and TW3 are also a bit special examples. SFV istn't very hardware hungry anyway, so it doesn't need to tap as deep into the power reserves of a console, and The Witcher series was previously PC exclusive, which results in having better optimisation for PC out of the box than most other multiplats out there.

I could run them on my Radeon HD 5770 too, but the experience would definitly be below of what would be achieved on a console, all while they have similar brute power than both of those graphic cards