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Nautilus said:
Wright said:


What's the problem? This is a positive step forward with the franchise. Allow the players to choose!

Of course its not a positive step.If it were like Dragon Age where it was already a custom, or a game which the main protagonist is an avatar, it would be great.But Link is a caracther, and one with almost 30 years with story behind him.If Aonuma wanted to go with a new female protagonist for Zelda U, then I would be fine with it, because its another caracther.But here is implying that it would be a female Link.And Link is a male caracther, not an avatar.

It would be like if you played Metal Gear Solid and you had the choice to play betwenn a male or female Snake.Just.... ugh.

Well said-   If you can make a longstanding male character optional between make and female then it really suspends/cheapens anything cannon in the storyline       I hope Nintendeo does not go full SJW in the West  but it seems they are well on their way