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In my opinion, and my opinion alone, with no intention of explicitly or implicitly allege that any other opinion is false and accepting that mine could, in fact, be wrong in regard to whatever claim or criticism I make towards any company regardless of tone used, and advising anyone who might feel offended to ignore my fact-less, assumption-based and possibly fraudulent assessment, I'd like to share my opinion that Sony's E3 conference had the best "PR filtered" promises, while Microsoft's seemed more grounded and honest. Nintendo's conference was also very honest, but lacked spectacle. In the case of Microsoft and Nintendo, I'm glad that the directors of all their announced games actually seemed to know they were working on them which leads me to believe that these games, hopefully, weren't quickly conceived by their PR department with the sole intent of having a bigger number of high profile announcements for their E3 conference.

So, I think Microsoft had the best one.

“Simple minds have always confused great honesty with great rudeness.” - Sherlock Holmes, Elementary (2013).

"Did you guys expected some actual rational fact-based reasoning? should already know I'm all about BS and fraudulence." - FunFan, VGchartz (2016)