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Bryank75 said:
yvanjean said:

Anyone that claim Nintendo was the winner.... just doesn't follow gaming. Nintendo was by far biggest Disappointment of E3 2105 even with my lowered expectation. The best part of Nintendo E3 2105 was the Nintendo direct but not for the games announcement but from their use of muppets. 

I think that some of Sony's announcement were overblown such as Final Fantasy 7 remake, The last guardian and especially Shenmue 3. But on the other hand Horizon looked amazing and Uncharted 4 looked well polished and at the time seem like would be a big Holiday release. Promising tech demo of PSVR were shown on the show floor.

Microsoft lost E3 2015 when they decided to push Quantum Break, Halo Wars 2 & Crackdown 3 to Gamescom 2015. Pleasantly surprise with Sea of Thieves and Recore has new IP from Microsoft. Backward compatibility was a big deal for me personally.

Nintendo will probably have a big year this year..... they needed time to get their ducks in a row. 

Yup, I agree it's Nintendo E3 to lose. The NX annoucement will be big. They could still screw it up by doing same mistake they done in the past:

1. Annoucing a new name other then NX on par with the "Wii" or "WiiU" name annoucement. 

2. Underpowered consoles that 2-3X more powerful then a WiiU.

3. The controller annoucement is mostly confusing consumer rather then excite them. 

4. Ambiguous console news like WiiU that leave casual crowd wondering if it's a add-on or new consoles.