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Nautilus said:

Of couse Nintendo could do a Zelda game with a female lead.And if the game is good, I would be more than happy to play it.And if you apply the this concept of the "more choices, the better" to everything, it will come at a cost.I will give kind of an extreme example but here it is:What if alot of people dont like good endings, or bad ones?So you need to put both them in the game to satisfy them and make people to be more included?Or like when games are too dificult for some, so you tone down the difficulty to make them be able to play?(without putting difficulty setting, which has been the case for most Zelda games)Giving too much freedom sometimes comes at a cost.Thats why i respect the Dark Souls(Disgaea) so much.And if keep making unpopular choices left and right, without having a really good reason, you are just bound to burn yourself.

And no, Samus is female.If thats false, then show an official statement from Nintendo saying it and link it here.And no, that article from that woman dosent count, as it is just an theory, and by extent, an fanfiction


The problem with your extreme scenario, which isn't extreme at all, is that you seem to get upset for the inclusion of those things as opposed as their absence following whatever tradition they had on the same franchise. I'll explain: what we're seeing here, in this thread, means you'll get mad with a game for including "bad endings" when the whole franchise has never included some. As opposed to not care at all, if it doesn't suit your tastes on the franchise. You're getting mad because there's the option of Female Link, but you still have the chance to play as male Link.

Did you get mad when Nintendo started including Hero Mode, altering the original versions of those games to accomodate this new particular mechanic? Of course not, because it's entirely optional. Same thing here with a female Link. It's entirely optional. You aren't forced to pick it up. Whereas a game lacking it would force us all to play with a male Link. That's good for you, not so good for people who actually want a female version.

Of course, if Nintendo had gone the same as usual, and just give Male Link, no one would bat an eye. Some would be disappointed that no female Link is available, but that's it. Now that they are going to give the option, people complain...why? It's Nintendo's choice ultimately. I'm dying to play as female Link.

If the Souls game started giving an easy mode because the developer included, I understand some people would get mad, but ultimately they would still buy the game and enjoy it nonetheless. It's simple as that, just like here.


And you didn't read the Samus article? It's not fanfiction. Hirofumi Matsuoka, co-creator of Samus, said it himself. Then there's also Yoshio Sakamoto, co-director of Metroid, saying that the possibility lies there, although he doesn't confirm or dismiss anything. So yeah, it's not fanfiction. Unless Nintendo comes out and outright denies it, then we'll have to take the word of the man in charge of creating Samus, don't you agree? Dismissing his word would be fanfiction, not the other way around.