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JEMC said:
Chazore said:
Anyone here besides myself going to be checking Planet Coaster once it's finished?.

You should know that I will, just not at launch

Likely a week or two after launch for me =P.

Nem said:
I really like strategy games. Love the C&C series... but EA gutted it. Both red alerts and tiberium games pre-EA were great. Then came EA, made C&C3 without inventing and then proceeded to try and re-invent a winning formula, destroying the series in the process.

RA3 had so much potencial if it weren't "locked" behind a mandatory co-op and highly scripted campaign.

I stil yearn for good C&C. Especially red alert.

Anyways, i got the whole collection on C&C, the whole collection of Ag of empires, mythology and rise of nations. I really enjoy Civ aswell. Yeah... sad what they did to the genre, because the audience is still there as Starcraft shows. Oh and the Dune RTS series was great aswell!

It's a damn shame as well, especially since 2 years ago EA snuffed out what would have been C&C Generals 2 on a modified Frostbite engine, they spent at least 3 years working on it with a new studio combined with another one and both were dissolved along with Generals 2, a complete waste of 3 years and talent.

I actually don't mind C&C 3, Kane's Wrath and Red Alert 3 but C&C 4 left a bad taste in my mouth. Grabbed Red Alert 2+Yuris revenge for free on Origin last year and I've been on and off playing it since, good times, same with Age of Empires 2 and 3. Also got around to playing Legacy of the Void expansion for SC II since I want to get in on those Nova missions, I;m actually hoping for Blizz to announce a new Warcraft RTS or at elast revamp the older titles and bring them back.

Step right up come on in, feel the buzz in your veins, I'm like an chemical electrical right into your brain and I'm the one who killed the Radio, soon you'll all see

So pay up motherfuckers you belong to "V"