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Mike_L said:

3: Hmm.. On one hand devs are lazy and bad at optimizing PC versions but on the other hand they fulfill their vision on PCs. Which one is it? If they fulfill their vision on PC why complain? What's not to like about consoles securing big funds for games like The Witcher 3 and you being able to play the definitive version and the true vision on your PC? Still, you refuse to deal with the fact that most PC gamers have weaker specs than Xbox One. Why?

4: My view?? It's the view of most devs that you don't agree with. I'm not talking about succesful e.g. strategy games on PC. I'm talking about games like Final Fantasy XV and The Witcher 3 hence the "Games LIKE THESE wouldn't have anywhere near the vision and scale they have if it wasn't for console sales."


I mean you no form of hostility either (and for the record I enjoy gaming on my PC as well as my PS4 and Wii U). It's all good :)

3. That doesn't really answer what I was trying to talk about for the console side when you talked about a devs vision though, trying to compare and notch down PC to the same level as a console isn't really going to make things even steven. I've played plenty of titles that work well on PC and look the part as well, times where I've managed to get what I wanted from a game than having to sacrifice for it. What's not to like about PC when it secures funds to make games that others will enjoy on other platforms?, plenty of KS and other dev funded games have started out on PC first, without those you just wouldn't have your games at all, you point me to Witcher and I'll simply point you to the rest that go PC first and there are plenty. Most PC gamers is old hat data you're sporting from a Cinemablend article, one that isn't a PC 100% reliable source, especially information that is now 3 years old.

4.By most devs you seem to go with the few that are within the AAA spec, not every other dev in total existence because that's simply not the same view and that's simply a fact because we all don't share the same exact view and goal, I honestly don't know why you're more than willing to knock everything or anything positive that PC has out of the park and nailing everything down to a few AAA games and then claiming PC doesn't do much if anything good at all, not anywhere enar console elvel which apparently means PC actually makes less, has less and gives less and that simply isn't true at all. You forget that without a PC you wouldn't even have any video games let alone a console, that very platform is the father of all video games.

Step right up come on in, feel the buzz in your veins, I'm like an chemical electrical right into your brain and I'm the one who killed the Radio, soon you'll all see

So pay up motherfuckers you belong to "V"