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I bought my 360 on launch day - November 22nd, 2005 souly for RPGs, and I have been very impressed with what I bought.

Regardless of speculation, the fact is, if your just a fan of every kind of RPGs, the 360 is definately the system of choice.

So far, on my Gamercard, I have:

Enchanted Arms
Phantasy Star Universe
Two Worlds
Blue Dragon
Eternal Sonata
Mass Effect
CuldCept Saga

And planning on buying Lost Odyssey at some point.

And by the end of this year, I should be getting:

Last Remnant
Fable 2
Infinite Undiscovery
Operation: Darkness
Spectral Force 3
Fallout 3
Tales of Verspia

And then you have XBLA RPGs:

Arkadian Warriors
Puzzle Quest
Castle Crashers
Band of Bugs
Penny Arcade Adventures

So the 360 is the RPG machine of choice. And for someone like myself, that enjoys RPGs, I couldn't of picked a better machine. Definately not as strong as the SNES, PS1 and PS2 lineups, but Microsoft has definately given me a machine that I can play, and enjoy a ton of RPGs.

If I got a PC, I couldn't get all of these great RPGs. If I got a PS3, I couldn't of got as many RPGs upto this point. For all the systems I've bought, from my Atari to this 360, the X360 has given me the 2nd best RPG experiences I've ever had.

I'm oh-so close to finally completing Blue Dragon, midway through my 2nd ES playthrough, and got re-addictted to Mass Effect once I found my disk, and am on my 3rd playthrough.

Back from the dead, I'm afraid.