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It's nothing like Halo 2, no local co op is a big thing, mp maps suck compared to Halo 2 or Halo 3, and i hate having gun glasses and sniper countdowns, i prefer the power weapons at fixed spawn locations and racing to get them, i prefer the rank system in Halo 2/3 i was a level 48 in Halo 3 it meant something, Halo 5 is dull, trying too much to be Cod, boring new lead character i could go on but got to get to sleep as Halo 5 "yawn" makes me sleepy.

They aren't making Halo into COD. Halo is still greatly ahead of COD. What they are doing is inovating Halo to make it a more compettative form. They still have some games that are not compettative with the community playlists. I don't see why you can't just respect his opinion, and not say things like you said earlier about dogs and sheep, and that crap. That was uncalled for.