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" untypedhero
As you are getting flooded with fake leaks and my inbox is getting flooded with questions:
The retail name for the NX is unknown to developers (or they are holding back). I've asked multiple sources.
I know of at least 1 third-party Wii U game that has/have been successfully ported to NX.
Amiibo are still supported (if you hadn't already guessed).
Friend codes are still a thing (unfortunately).
I don't know when the NX will be announced. Speculation is this month.
There are multiple "gimmicks" with the NX, one is optional.
There are physical dev-kits out in the wild, I don't have access to these.
I don't know the model of the GPU, however there is little doubt (from what I've been told) that it an AMD.
The NX is capable of outputting 4k. Consensus is upscaling and streaming.
DDR4 Memory (between 6GB - 8GB). EDIT: Available to software.
EDIT: Just to be clear - Although there are dev-kits out there, I highly doubt that you will get a direct leak from any of the studios that have them.
EDIT 2: Apparently friend code wasn't the correct term. You can only add people you know"

"My points of reference are PS4 and 3DS. I've been told that you can't just openly add people like on PS4... hence the friend code statement."

The DDR4 thing is throwing up huge red flags for me....but anyway there you go.