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zero129 said:

Ok so for some odd reason this just came into my head and i decided to post it lol xD.

How would a country stop the smoking problem without making a problem for people who already smoke?.

Ok they cant out right ban smoking since that would be a big problem for the millions who already do smoke and enjoy to smoke.

So its about Stopping people from starting in the first place.

Imo having pictures on boxes and adding higher taxes doesnt help with this its just an excuse to put more money in the fag companys pockets.

Imo if they really did want to stop new smokers they would make it where they cant buy them in the first place.

If you already a smoker you go to your doc or some other place and get a card, you then use this card to buy smokes.

But then im not even sure if something like this would work, since people would still prop get smokes illegal anyways on the black market. But id imagine it would help more then a few pictures on the boxes, so what do you guys think?.

What would be the best way to stop new smokers without effecting the ones who already smoke??.

The one primary issue you may not be considering is: the authorities with the power to ban smoking have no intention or desire to do so-  They just want it to cost smokers and cig companies lots of money, most of which is paid to state and federal government s - many billions

In the South East US years ago many states did not want the lotterry as they felt it was gambling ie wrong and potentially harmful -  The way in which that changed was bordering states appooved that lottery and people in the "no lottery" states began spending millions on lottery which went to those bordering states-   So the "no lottery states" wanted to keep that money and said they would spend some or most of the lotto procedes on somethig people felt was good like schools-  Bam the lotto quickly became legal in the South East Us

smoking would be similar-  if a state banned cigs all that tax money woudl go to bordering states allowing smoking   (and no way the feds ban it as they get the most $ s from it)  

the primary reason Prohibition was repealed in the Us was due to money-  the govnmt needd money badly-  they repealed prohiition and they got theor millions/billions quickly in sin tax dollars-   same reason i think pot will be legalized across the US in the next 10+/- years-  the staes need mooney - the next ig financial meltdown that hits the state budgets and it will hasten legalization in the conservative states as well as the more liberal states

The question becomes what is next?  legal prostitutuon,  legal hard drugs -  those are prob a ways off in most states but eventually who knows