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Hynad said:
Ruler said:

Nope it doesnt

No it doesn't... what?

Witcher 3 doesn't run better?

Why, yes, it definitely does. It runs better and is more stable than Episode Duscae and the Platinum Demo. As for the looks, The Witcher 3 also runs in full 1080p with proper anti-aliasing and motion blur and much further draw distance than what has been shown of Final Fantasy XV so far.  Aesthetically speaking (as in: art style), it's a matter of taste. But from a technical point of view, Final Fantasy XV in its current form doesn't come close to The Witcher 3. 

That being said, if Square-Enix manages to get the final game to run at a smooth 30fps (or at least much more consistently than the two demos), and improve the overall IQ, then it has a chance to get up there with The Witcher 3 as one of the best looking open world games on consoles. Until then, the game is simply not in the same league as The Witcher 3.

You should experience the 3 before making such baseless hit and run comments. 

Art style matter of taste? Its not an opinion its a fact.

FF15 looks like a cgi film in real time. Witcher 3 looks average and it runs @20fps in various locations on ps4 it was proven in countless of videos. I played both FF demos unlike you.

FF has

better alpha effects and magic effects

Giant unique creatures

Runs more stable on ps4

better weather effects

Better character models, every one looks like they have the same poligon count like the main character in witcher

Better lighting effect

Better everything