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DMeisterJ said:
johnlucas said:
DMeisterJ said:
@ JL

No wonder you like Obama. You're exactly alike.

Inspirational, yet unrealistic.

I actually take that as a compliment, DMeisterJ.

Nobody believed Obama could get this far and most people never believe in my predictions.

The true story is always told in the end, however.

John Lucas

Oh, it was supposed to be a compliment, I had no intention of hurting your feelings.

You are inspirational... reading your posts, you can't help but get on board with what you're saying, but the probability of that happening is slim to none.

No harm intended.

No it's cool, DMeisterJ. What we have on here is a playful rivalry.

I enjoy talking to everyone here. This place is fun!

You know I actually do feel like Obama sometimes when I come on here.

Predictions you can believe in. The Audacity of John. Hahahahaha!

John Lucas 

Words from the Official VGChartz Idiot