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As a Croat living in Sweden, we lost everything in Herceg-Bosna (BIH) and got a new start in Sweden due to the wars in Former-Yugoslavia. Multiculturalism and trying to accommodate foreign believes and traditions is the reason for much of the ills of the West , Sweden.

As a Croatian , I am Catholic , my faith is highly compatible with Swedish ways of life, we are no religious nuts that want to enforce our ways of life on anyone else. However, Swedes , the government , is so far up the A** of ultra-liberalism that any criticism of foreign values / traditions is viewed as racist/ bigot / nazi.

I am myself a refugee and I want Sweden not to be multicultural , let the people that come be melted down and absorbed by Swedish culture, let us not tolerate burka wearing, Islamist beliefs, let them change their ways or be forced out of the country.
I myself, One day, hope to return to my homeland Croatia and wish the best for Sweden , I am very thankful for all they have done for us.

So therefor, I say this:
Let us not accept these interlopers , these parasites that infiltrate traditions and values, unless they adapt they are to be deported.

Not all cultures are made Equal, not all faiths share the same values, why pretend otherwise?
Those Muslims that want to remove their shackles around their necks and minds , I welcome, but to those that have their old ways incurably instilled in their very souls, I would have them discarded and deported back to their homelands - let them there spread their cave-dwelling minds/traditions.

The Cure for the ills of the west is not multiculturalism and ultra-liberalism - being the problem rather than the cure - it is values , values that should not be changed for the "sake" of lesser cultures -  that is the cure to save the Countries in Europe.