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Fei-Hung said:

 Pretty much everything you have said is bs. It is not only bs, it's hate speech.


The west was pretty much built on anti freedom. Colonisation, slavery etc etc. That is as anti anything as you can get as it killed millions. To date nothing in the history of mankind has killed as many people as the western world exploits. 


Secondly, Islam isn't anti freedom of speech. They're are Muslims that are and they will say it, just like any other faith or culture. The religion itself doesn't say forbid it. 


Thirdly, it's not anti West. Muslims aren't all in the east, they are everywhere. It's like saying every white person is anti east, anti brown and anti black. Bs blanket statements. 


Muslims are not accepting of other cultures?! During the Ottoman Empire, the Catholic led countries in Europe had banned Jewish people from worship. When the Ottomans took over they gave the Jewish people back the freedom of worship and building synagogues.


When Ibn Batuta discovered America he traded and returned. 


You forget, that no one in the history of civilisation has killed as many people as the west due to cultural differences. Native Americans, Aborigines, Chinese, Indians, Africans and the list goes on. 


Salah Abdelsalam is an idiot for putting himself in such a situation where he had to make such a decision. Most the Muslims would agree that you and extremists are wrong in your understanding of muslims and their faith. 


The only people who believe Islam to be what you say are Islamophobes and those creating the problem - the terrorists themselves. I.e. You guys support each others arguments whilst the rest of the Muslim world watches in horror how the blind lead the deaf and the dumb. 

I lol'd at the hate speech part.

While it is true the West was built on slavery, it was also people in the west who fought to give the slaves their freedom back. Sure as fuck wasn't people from Asia, or the Middle East (hell, slavery in still alive in countries like Qatar, Bahrain, Mauritania and Dubai where immigrant workers are being worked to death [there's even child labor in Jordan] read about it. Also read about Arab enslavement of blacks

So I can go to an Islamic country like, Bahrain, Saudi Arabia, Afghanistan, Sudan et cetera, draw an unflattering picture of Mohammed and say that Mohammed, shit be upon him, was a child molestor and a murderous war lord, and I would have nothing to fear after saying that? That's just not true. Were you not around January 7th 2015? 

If Muslims were so accepting of other cultures, why do they assault women who wear a miniskirt? Women dressing the way they want is a part of western culture. Also Muslims are so accepting of Christians that they heavily tax them (the Jizya), behead them, and crucify them to this day

Like I said, not all Muslims are anti-west; just the vast majority. 

I don't really care if Ibn Batutta left America and I sincerely doubt it was his faith that told him to leave.

You forget that no one in the history of civilization has brought the modern way of life to the world except for the west. If the Muslim way of life way was the contemporary way of life around the globe then our women would be wearing masks and we couldn't have tasty, crunchy bacon.