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Sky Render said:
The overserved never understand appealing to the underserved. They always assume that the underserved will somehow take on the ideals of the overserved if they're worthy. When a product or person comes about which caters to the underserved, there is an outcry from the overserved, for why is there any need to change how things are done, they ask? And they grow more and more afraid as that underserved market becomes less and less underserved, as it means that the overserved market is no longer the only market of note. Elitism at its most blatant, in other words.

That is, in short, why people deride and belittle the disruptive forces which change how markets work. Not because those forces aren't working (for they clearly are), but because what they're doing to the market scares the people who have been the market's favorite for years. This is why there are endless waves of doubters to John Lucas' predictions, deriders of Maelstrom's study of process over results, doom-criers of Nintendo galore, and many who want to believe that Obama is not a good candidate. They're afraid of what it means for their own little slice of the pie if these people are right...

Beautifully said.

Can't get more perfect than that.

John Lucas 

Words from the Official VGChartz Idiot