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Aura7541 said:
Turkish said:

Its racism when they're targeted because how they looked, and muslim women are allowed to speak. What the hell are you even talking about?

If this happened to me I'd sue the airlines, suck them dry before the courts. It's normal in the US.

Donald Drump made a part of America very scared for brown people. Sooner or later the white people will have to face the reality that America is a multi cultural multi religious multi multi ethnic country. In a few decades the brown people will become majority in the US. The brown population in Europe will be tens of millions strong. Racists are a dying breed.

Not all brown people are muslim and not all muslims are brown people. Racism won't die as long as generalizations like these continue to exist.

Have you seen Drumpf's violent rallies? How his supporters attack black protesters and call them the N word, how one man said to kill them? How they attack Mexicans? Its not just Muslims they're targeting, all brown and black people are victims of this new wave of hate!