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Wyrdness said:
sundin13 said:

3) The pedophilia nonsense is irrelevant nonsense. Yes, she made some statements 5 years ago regarding changes in the legal system. Who cares? There is no risk of her harming kids (from what we've seen) and she didn't really do anything wrong in this avenue other than have an opinion. Do people honestly think that you should be fired for an opinion you expressed five years ago?

@Illusion: I think you are vastly overstating the effect this will have on NoJ...

Yes and go read the link, some of the statements are as recent as a few months ago, child abuse is a severe crime probably the most severe. Defending it is not acceptable, one of her tweets flat out says don't hate on pedophiles and that tweet was made this past december. People wouldn't stand for anyone defending racist or sexist bahaviour, if this was a man I have a feeling no one would back him at all over it.

I agree that it would be the complete opposite in that everyone would be damning NOA for even hiring a male in that believed and did the same things as Rapp.  It's pathetic how a pair of breasts and a cute face can make a lot of men drop any semblance of common sense.