Mike_L said: Like with XB1 being slowed down because of exclusives releasing for PC simultaneously and because of the rumoured upgraded XB1 (slim), I think this could be the case with PS4 as well. It's dangerous to leak details about PS4.5 so far in advance (Sony would've debunked the rumour if it wasn't true and I think PS4.5 will come this September/October). You could argue that only people that follow gaming news closely know about this "rumour" but it seems to be spreading on social and mainstream media. Some of my friends know about it even though they don't visit dedicated gaming sites. E3 will uncover a lot of things but I think these "rumours" may harm sales of the Uncharted 4 bundle to some extent. Also it really should've been 1TB instead of 500GB.
I agree that this rumour spreading to social media is bad for business but that UC4 bundle isn't going to be affected IMO. It has run its course naturally and only a price drop would wake it from its slumber.
The PS5 Exists.