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I can't comment on whether Alison should have been fired since I don't have the full picture. What I can say, however, is that the Gamergate crowd has created a martyr out of Alison and the Gamergate movement will suffer some stiff losses to the feminists in the near future as a result of this.

The public perception (whether rightly or wrongly) is that Nintendo has sided with Gamergate by firing Alison and this will not be forgotten by the media and those of influence. This outcome was entirely made possible by the petty attacks targeted at Alison by the Gamergate crowd. This perception will give the feminists additional leverage over Nintendo in the future because the company now has to try to restore a balanced public image.

Honestly, if the possibility of a female Link in Zelda U was on the fence before this story broke, I could see this event potentially tipping the scales in favor of the feminists. The Gamergate crowd as well as people like myself who agree with concepts such as preserving masculinity in games are going to experience setbacks because of this incident. Like any legitimate political movement, Gamergate needs to learn to attack the idea while respecting the people with whom we disagree. If we cannot do this then we will lose credibility in the eyes of the public.

EDIT: I read up on some additional details on this case and I feel that I owe the Gamergate community an apology for this post.  It appears that there are some pretty serious accusations against her that any responsible citizen would investigate further.  I would like to note that this story has definitely been distorted against Gamergate by even mainstream gaming journalism sites that I had previously trusted but will no longer.