KylieDog said:
veritaz said:
Got any tips on beating it on nightmare? I Just need to do a playthrough on it to get the plat but I suck at games that require tactical thinking like RTS and I'm assuimg you have to use the overview pause thing in nightmare a lot or you will die.
For your party:
Tank (Warrior), 2 Mages, ranged Assassin (for more crowd control) or Tank (Warrior), 1 mage, 2 ranged Assassin (for more damage).
Either way make sure got all the barrier buffs on the Mage(s), if got Trespasser DLC use the secondary skill that reduces recharge. For Warrior obviously use Sword and Shield and I suggest mixing between Taunts and Defense skills evenly as you level up, if it takes too much damage pump next level ups into defense options, if losing aggro too much, pick taunts. It cannot keep aggro from every enemy remember.
Melee Assassin sucks on NIghtmare, enemies move too much for flanking damage to pay off, plus any melee enemy with AOE (area of effect) attacks will just squish it dead, even if the tank has aggro (because AOE hits everyone nearby). Ranged is better as then only the tank tends to get hit if it has aggro, plus no down time on the damage dealing because no chasing after enemies to get in melee range.
I only ever used Tactical menu to easy see where a downed party member was, which was not often, the game is very streamlined compared to Origins, you can pretty much just set your party's skills and leave them to it and only control Inquisitor.
If you really need a helping hand there still exists a great dupe exploit, can dupe weapons, armour, accesories and weapon/armour upgrades, so you can dupe expensive stuff to make money to buy or craft better stuff, and Amulets of Power (+1 skillpoint) can be duped, so you can max out your abilty tree for nearly every character pretty early on (as soon as you get one for that character), I think only Dorian doesn't get his until later in the game, and it's also missable. With all the pssive atrributes and passive buffs you get pretty strong real fast. Also if you craft an armour that can be used by all classes (are a few, plus silverite as main slot makes heavy armour usable by everyone), and stick a '+guard on hit' mod on it, you can dupe the armour and have everyone wear it, toughens everyone up.
Oh, last thing, if you've not done it yet, before you start Nightmare load your old save(s) at the furthest point and go to Skyhold undercroft (where you craft stuff), use the golden nug, it transfer schemetics and such to any new save (use the nug in the new save), so you can craft TIer 3/4 schematics early on, again making you stronger, even if use crappy materials they still beat Tier 1/2 schematics. If you already started Nightmare you can still do this by loading old saves.
To be honest it's not very hard anyway. Hope this helps.