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Normchacho said:
Oh, I'm actually a little thankful that this is scoring lower than I expected. If only to save us from what would otherwise be a sea of "Quantum Break is better than Uncharted 4!" Threads we would have gotten if it was like 85 or higher.

Bizarre logic there. One, there aren't enough Xbone members who make threads for there to be a "sea" of anything. Secondly, does meta confirm the games quality or something? I see a lot of people saying Driveclub is the best racer this gen yet it's a 71, not even as close to as good as Trackmania Turbo. Lastly, is Uncharted scoring close to an 85? AFAIK that would be a large drop compared to previous games.

They are two very different games. You can easily like one more than the other regardless of what the metascores for both end up being. Either way I doubt there will be a sea of threads about it.