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It was disappointing, to be honest. I guess I kinda expected something in the vein of Episode Duscae but with child Noctis. Platinum Demo felt more like going on a developer debug stage and testing the engine doing some weird things.


As for things I noticed:

- Didn't really see any noticeable framerrate drop. Tried forcing some problems (like spamming "Meteore" combined with "Rain"), but the game overall stood its ground.

- Rain effects are very nice. I was kinda amazed at the fact that places with ceiling don't get wet, but on the outside there's a dynamic pool of water trying to get in. I dunno if what I said makes sense, just go try it on the game.

- Combat is WAY TOO SIMPLE and very easy. I hope that this isn't the final version (Although the weapon wheel is a nice, welcomed addition, so keep that). I liked it in Episode Duscae. I don't even get why swap Square for Circle when attacking. I guess this wasn't meant to be a combat demo, because Noctis is invincible, but still... :/

- The camera goes bananas if those lego/children pieces start falling on Noctis when pushed. No, seriously, the camera went batshit insane when those pieces felt on Noctis. I couldn't even control it. I didn't even know what was going on until they stopped.

- Light effects are extremely good, although there are noticeable problems when looking at objects from a distance.

- I dig Noctis' Sasuke hair. In fact, I think I dig Noctis in general.

- The child hammer is absurdily cute.

- The platforming thingy is stiff as heck, but oddly interesting. I wonder if they'll add things like those in the final game. As a side note, Noctis being able to grab ledges would be a nice addition, but maybe too problematic at this rate.