fadetoone said: How in the holy hell did HideoK platinum Rocket League in just over a day? Between driving however many total miles and playing so many games, that doesn't even seem possible. |
Yep, I can answer this one. There was a new Rocket League free DLC called mutators that I installed before playing which allowed you to set modifiers for each match. First I played around for fun getting all the easy trophies and then for the very time consuming ones like getting all the items/awards I set the modifier to "1 goal wins" and a "lower CPU difficulty". Then I could simply turbo into the ball before the PC would get there completing each match in 5 seconds. For the driving total miles trophy I simply left my PS4 on overnight, rubber banded, driving in circles in a no time-limit match with the 2nd controller inactive.
Thought Rocket League was pretty fun. However I don't think I would have gone for platinum and played the required amount of full matches if not for the mutator DLC. Too many other backlog games I'd like to focus on.