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Machiavellian said:

The women gave up the choice to decide about her body when she did not protect herself from being pregnant.  People say we are in a progressive society but forget that we also are accountable for our actions.  So it stop being about the woman once she became pregnant and started to be about her and her unborn child.  Abortion is the easy cop-op excuse to not own up to your mistake, especially today where there is a lot of contraceptive.


Even your logic does not make sense.  None of that stuff matters if you believe you are snuffing out a life because you do not want to deal with those situations.  You killed the potential of a human being for a selfish resolution to a problem.

Sometimes the informed, resposible choice is to terminate a pregnancy. How is it any less selfish to bring a life into the world that one cannot support emotionally or financially and would require government resources to care for? Your statements seem to be implying that a blastocyst/zygote/embryo/fetus's life has inherently more worth than the woman's, since they have ownership of her body and she has no right to 'evict' them. You also seem to imply that only women have to endure any sort of blame or burden of resposibility for 'not protecting herself from being pregnant', without ever mentioning any sort of punitive actions towards the male involved. He's not the one that has to carry it for nine months and put his life at an exponentially higher risk, despite contributing just as much to the process.

It's not as cut and dry as "Single woman slept around and got knocked up", either. Married women get abortions as well for various reasons. Sometimes because of health concerns, sometimes because of financial concerns. Perhaps a newlywed couple considered their options and decided that they weren't financially stable or emotionally prepared enough at the time to raise a child, but eventually would try again when they were? Is that irresponsible and selfish? Should no one have sex until their intent is to have children?