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Staude, sequelitis is industry-wide. If you're successful, you get sequels. In fact, the more success you have, the more sequels you have.

Nintendo is expected to have the most sequels because they are the only console maker and game maker to last this long, and especially to last this long and stay this important and insanely successful.

And Super Mario Bros. 3 was on the NES, not the SNES.

The best selling games of this generation will be Wii Sports, Wii Fit, and Wii Play, and none of them have Mario. Brain Training and Nintendogs from the DS would also like to say hello.

Other consoles' biggest games all end in numbers, Halo 3, GTA4, GT5, MGS4, FF13, etc. etc. At least Mario and Zelda don't end in numbers!!!!!!!!!!!!!11111111