Azzanation said:
Haha Xbox rack in millions for MS. Why do you think there able to continue making consoles for the past 3 generations? Not only does Xbox software sells more than Sony's, Xbox Live is the money maker. Which isn’t included in Xbox's financial statements. Why do you think Sony followed Xbox’s online network structure? Because Sony have been struggling to make profits on most of their own systems and to top it off, Playstation’s own exclusives sell the least amount compared to Nintendo’s and Xbox’s. The profits in the gaming industry has never been about selling the most hardware, it’s where the software and paywalls are. Why do you think Xbox want a pie of the PC market space? Because its where the most software sell.
Sony, and Microsoft's Sales Last Generation where not those far, Both Sold nearly the Same of games Published by them, Microsoft, have the Advantage because Kinect, was much more sucessful than PS Eye.
Microsoft, Lost Billions with Xbox Original, and with Xbox 360, Because of the RROD, In the Past 3 Generations, Sony, had the PS2, the Best Selling Console of all Times, had nearly the same Loses that Microsoft, had with RROD, and PS4, already sold more than 200 Millions of Software, and over 40 Millions of Hardware, Sony, Already had their Own Network Online Structure, the Problem is that they thought that the Midia, and the Fans would Bash the Playstation, if they charged to play Online, and after Years of Microsoft, charging for it without anyone saying nothing, they started to do the Same.
We don't know how much Xbox Made per year, but is really ridiculos to thing that this give more Profit for Microsoft, than Playstation, give for Sony, i think that the Xbox's Brand, is somewhere Behind Nintendo's Profit, and with Countless Price Drops and Promotions, Sony, and Nintendo, also have more profit per unit than Xbox, now the Wii U, is More Expensive than a Xbox One.
Sony, came from Being the Best Selling home Console of All Times 2 times in a Row, to lose some Billions of PS3, and now for being the Market Leader Once Again, with a Console that will for sure sell more than 100 Millions of Hardware Worldwide.
We need more Data about how much each company lost Last Gen, because Microsoft, Lost much with the Original Xbox, and begin the 7 Generation, loosing a Lot, only to take the Ground of PS2, and Sony, has came from 2 Generations before that having the best selling Home consoles of all times, and managed to take the losses of the PS3.