Mr Puggsly said:
ArchangelMadzz said:
Meh, I'd say the 360's success was through its online infrastructure, releasing an entire year earlier and halo 3. As soon as the PS3 came out people were doom and gloom, but it practically outsold the 360 every single year it was out.
And PS4s success was carried momentum and xbox failure at the beginning. After that it's due to the whole resolution/frame rate and being the more attractive system that will beat the competition even if it costs more.
I hear ya, but people kept going to Xbox 360 because PS3 was too expensive for several years. That allowed the 360 userbase to grow and it became a platform many studios had to support.
In numerous generations you'll see competition was able to thrive due to mistakes of competition.
The Xbox One is cheaper than the Ps4 tho