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Dr.Vita said:

As long as every upcoming game will still be playable on the normal PS4 and there won't be exclusive games for PS4K I can live with it. Don't own a 4K TV so I don't care if it is 1080p or 4K.

I agree. I'm not a fan of this approach at, but a 2x jump in power isn't going to suddenly make the regular ps4 completely obsolete. It will still be able to play the same games, just at a lower resolution and framerate. Most generational leaps in power are in the 10x range, so I don't think we need to worry that games will suffer from the same gap in quality as the ps3 versions did against the ps4. 


I'd still prefer that none of the console manufacturers do this, and my complaints from Phil Spencer's comments about an iterative Xbox apply t this as well, but since all 3 are heavily rumored (and in the case of Sony and MS, there is a whole lot of smoke billowing out) to be headed in this direction, it seems that all we can really do is keep to the system we already have and keep buying games for it (at least that's what I'm planning to do, personally). It's disappointing, but it's not like I'm going to quit gaming because of it.