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KBG29 said:

I am a console and handheld purist, and I think this is the best thing to to consoles in many generations. I wish they would have done this when Cell went from 90nm to 65nm, and again from 65nm to 40nm. The same thing should have happened on the Vita as well. In fact the Vita would most likely be flying off shelves if they had done this, and added phone and texting to it.


I don't know who these people are that think this is bad. I mean, yeah, if this was PS5, then that would be some major BS. But, it's not, it's just a premium upgrade of the current PS4, and all games will work on all PS4's, so there is absolutely no reason to be upset over this, it changes nothing for those that already have a PS4, and offers a better experince for those that want it.

If Sony had done that with the ps3, they might not be here now... It's basically throwing away your profitable years by resetting the clock. The ps3 had a massive hole to climb out of. But perhaps Sony is run by masochists and its time to dig a new hole.

It changes nothing for those that already have a ps4?
Well, apart from the fact whether getting PSVR is a good idea or not. Is it going to be supported at all beyond launch on base ps4 in such a scenario?
And perhaps more expensive games, good excuse to raise the price, better on ps4k. The extra dev costs need to be covered somehow.