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JRPGfan said:

PS4k in the area of performance, of a Nvidia Geforce 970 ?

Not bad for a 499$ console.

If you want to buy a new Geforce 970, your looking at like 330$.

A console this powerfull for 499$ is a decent price.

PS4 GPU is a HD7850 with some added Instruction Set. Two of these would be a 960, not a 970.

Not only that, but even if it was a 970, it would NOT run 4k. I have two 970's in my rig and I can't run 4k. This is how sad it is.

Also, the CPU and the memory are the big bottlenecks in this PS4. If the memory was HBM for example, the current GPU would be at least 30% faster, since it's inside an APU and it's common knowledge that APU's are bandwidth dependent.

The CPU have a nice turbo clock, but it's almost never at turbo and it's a freaking low-end mobile core. This is just sad.


for $499, it's a nice bump in performance per watt and performance overall, but it still won't be able to run native 4k games. Upscale to 4k? Maybe yes, but with 30fps lock I assume.


EDIT: This seems highly unlikely. A new console that is this much different from the original, will absolutely kill any possibility of new games be playable on both. First, the cost of making two version for the same game. One that has 4k textures and the other one who don't. Otherwise you would be downloading 100GB of 4k textures and maps that your console wouldn't even use. It's just plain stupid. Developers will have increased cost making the game compile twice with different settings. Thus making games more expensive.

Also, if there are two dev kits, this means that the developers would have to make a game twice. This is beyond insane. It would be just easier to have the normal PS4 dev kit, and the new PS4.5 run games much faster and at higher quality, just enabling the options once the software discovers what system it's running from. This could easily be the case if developers have ONE dev kit. With two, games will have to be compiled twice, and the disc will need both executables. Again, it's just plain stupid.