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Aerys said:
Ruler said:

Do you realize that these consoles have basiclay PC architecture now? They were maxed out right at launch, there was no hidden CELLL architecture behind them to be mastered. If you want to last this Gen 8 years long you need a stronger models.

The problem is the media and too many stupid gamers, the 32x was in fact 150$ and people rediculated it because of the way it looked attached to the megadrive. 

If you wan to save money as an existent PS4 owner simple sell your older console

That doesnt change the fact you can optimise a game for a specific hardware, X360 was also a PC architecture, it didnt stop it to see an evolution in it's game during the generation, less energy will be put into that with a more powerful model.

it was PowerPC. In fact the 3 Xbox 360 cores were the same architecture as the single real core of the CELL CPU unit.