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Teeqoz said:
setsunatenshi said:

you're asking if that's porn? a photo of a naked person for me does not fit the criteria of porn but I guess that's a very subjective distinction.

for me to consider something porn it needs to contain a person or people in sexual contact, so from your barebones description, no I wouldn't even consider that porn.

it would seem to me that you're trying to ask something more than this, that's why I wanted some clarification on what the question was more specifically. perhaps then I could answer in a more specific way

You don't consider nude photos as porn? Are they porn if it's in a sexualized pose?


Anyway, the specifics aren't that important, so imagine (Well don't *imagine* it...) that same girl filming herself masturbating, and uploading the video to the internet. That has to be considered as porn, right? And because this is ahypothetical underage girl, that means it is child porn. However, no one forced her, no one asked here, and making the video didn't hurt anyone. Yet watching that video would still be illegal. Do you agree that it should be illegal?

now that's a much better question, thank you for expanding.


1- yeah i would consider it porn.

2- underage by whose criteria? if she's of legal age to consent of making such video the the place she lives obviously she shouldn't have any issues with it. If the person watching the video was in a country whose legal age of consent was the same or below of said girl it would be perfectly fine.

3- a person living in a country whose laws mandate the legal age of consent should be above the one of said girl should be barred from freely viewing the video.

4- would i personally care what person X or Y is viewing? not at all, it's that person's business what they do in their free time and 0 fucks were given by me as long as they aren't hurting anyone.

that's about as muddled as the topic can get honestly and different views are perfectly valid to hold.


now, when talking about virtual characters, drawings, works of fiction all bets are off as far as i'm concerned. go crazy and be as gory and dirty as you want with that drawing lol