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Next she's going to go up to a Sadhu and complain about his 'cultural appropiation'.

I see the issue with taking a repressed populations culture and converting it into a marketable product for the opressors to gain profit from, I really do. I also see the problems with naively stealing other peoples holy symbols and misusing them without any regard to the original meaning or intent of the symbol (looking at you swastika...).
It's insulting. I get that.

BUT cultures have been mixing and migling for literally ever. It's not a bad thing. Every guy being so in love with your cultures look that he wants to imitate it, is a reason to celebrate, not to be offended and to bully them.
If you're worried people misunderstand your culture, seize the opportunity to teach them about it. They're already interested, use that interest. They are not stealing yur culture, they are part taking in it. Maybe they will take elements from it to create their own. It's not something you can stop anyways.