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Yes, this is why being a blind fanboy sucks...I used to get angry when I saw Sega losing the 32 bit and 128 bit war and after that I stopped caring. All 3 companies can go out of business for all I care and EA can step up and provide a new console... if I like it, I will support it.

The only loser thus far I see is Sony as they went from number 1 to losing the Japanese market to Nintendo and losing the American market to Nintendo and Microsoft. Europe as well will be a dogfight...

In any case, a world where the Wii is the only console and Wii mote has to be used in every game is a world where I don't really play games on a daily basis... I'm 26 now and marriage and kids will be coming soon so it may be the right time for Wii domination to start. :)