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Lafiel said:
John2290 said:

And if you are in a country with different laws, for example, writing a screen play about Muhammad reincartnated as a serial rapist, drug pushiing pimp who manages to become a prophet in America and after becoming a political fingure manages to gain support for the annihilation on every muslim on the planet through a vector virus that attacks genes unique to middle eastern men causing their testicles to fall off and slowly cause an eventual sex change while eliminating the possibility of reproduction....While I'm just parodying I am pilgrim and Dan browns Inferno here, what if this became a global sucess in the film world and while not breaking any laws in say, the US it offends muslims and may quite possibly cause serious reprecussions to the political stability between the US and the middle east....well, more so than usual. Whats your stance on this ridicuous but quite real scenario?

how about instead of clearly surreal fiction we discuss a real case

in 1981 the KKK's "fiery cross" magazine featured a cartoony drawing of a black man being hanged, just days later Klansmen kidnapped and killed a young black man hanging his corpse in the neighborhood afterwards

that drawing was then used as evidence the men acted on an implicit order of the KKK itself instead of entirely seperated from the organization, so the KKK had to pay enormous fines bankrupting it and making it less relevant since

what's your take on this, should the KKK have be spared from the consequences in this case as they were only printing art?


So because a judge (or juri?) decided that we should agree with the decision?

the KKK pieces of shit have plenty of real problems they could probably go chase them for, printing distasteful artwork is not one of those. inciting violence in itself is a crime in most western states though.

so without many details provided on this case, yeah the people who did the action should suffer the consequences.

when muslim bombers kill people, do we jail their religious leaders? i does say in their book to kill infidels, so....