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KBG29 said:
MortienGerrux said:

If the "mainstream-pc" with a GTX 970 or R9 390 is already 200-250% more powerful then the PS4 then how will it survive until 2024?

PS4 will stay relevant through these tiered upgrades until a true generational leap can take place.

This PS4K will easily be as powerful as the HD7970 which had ~4TF of performance. It should also move to 16GB of RAM. 

With those stats, PS4 Spec 2 will hold its own with the big boys for another 3 - 4 years. Then a PS4 Spec 3 should take its place until the PS5 is released. 


The original PS4 will continue to see support throughout the entire life cycle, as it is more than capable of continuing to output 900p/30fps games  that are closer to the 1440p and 4K of the Spec 2 & 3 PS4's than the PS3/360 versions where in comparison to PS4/XBO titles. This will be a lot easier task than when devs where building for PS3/PS4/360/XBO/PC, as the tech between PS4 & XBO's upgrades will be nearly identical compared to the techs of those platforms.

Damn, all of this because people are too ignorant to get a PC.

I thought consoles were about ease of use, too bad that's not been the case since PS2 era ended.

You know, buy a console, plug it in, put in a disc and play.