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MortienGerrux said:
mornelithe said:

What does that have to do with my statement that Sony has decades more experience in gaming?  It's true.  They do.  They also have more experience in implementing periphery into gaming (with allot more trial and error).  It's not a knock against FB, it's simply something Sony's worked on for a long time.  Frankly, I think Vive, Occulus and PSVR need each other.  In order for it to be more than just a niche thing.  

They have experience in gaming, but not in VR. Palmer Luckey has been busy for VR for the past like 10 years.

Anyways, Sony can have as much experience as they want, the PS4 will still remain a closed platform.

And if VR were standalone, that'd mean something.  VR isn't, however, I guess that's why VR hasn't really been on the publics mind for the past...10 years.

Yeah, the consoles being a closed platform really amounted to a whole hell of alot these past couple gens, didn't it?  I mean, the volume of AAA devs devloping exclusively for PC has just skyrocketed in that time, hasn't it?

And all that aside, you still seem to be brushing aside the fact that PC VR is going to be pretty expensive for the regular consumer, for quite a bit which will absolutely temper it's growth.  Prices will come down, certainly, but for the foreseeable future the cheaper solution for those interested in VR is going to be PSVR.

Btw, I do hope that all 3 solutions are successful, mainly to see the tech innovated upon in the future.  Since I have both the PS4 and a Gaming PC, all 3 succeeding benefits me more.