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KBG29 said:

Well that may be stretching it a bit far. I am very loyal to Sony, as I am very loyal to a lot of brands, and I am very loyal to my family, and my friends. I don't jump ship when things get bad or a new hot flash in the pan comes about. That is the way I live, I know it is not for everyone, and that is cool, we all have our own quirks.

In this situation, I think Sony is in an exceptional situation to really get out and grab a good chunk of market share, and I think they are taking the correct steps to make sure they continue to gain ground going forward. I think Oculus and Vive are great products, and they are going to do very well in a lot of places outside of the consumer market that PSVR will never have a hand in. However, I think OR and Vive will not be major competitiors with PSVR in the consumer space. I think that whatever Microsoft, Nintendo, or Apple come out with will fill that roll.

I just don't see PC as a great place for VR in the mass market. Simpler boxes, and more streamlined approaches are going to be where the billions end up putting their money.

But still very loyal to Sony above all others. I am loyal to my family and friends but I'm not willing to sacrifice my soul and pitch for a brand at every turn above all others, I shop from Valve, Blizzard, EA, GoG, GMG, retail stores for movies, but I'm not loyal to a single brand because there is no brand that topples everything else, they are just stores and services at the end of the day to me, they are not my insurance, tax, medical, food type of stores that do everything or will do everything for me for all my life needs.

I disagree, I don't see Sony taking a chunk of the VR market share that has yet to fully be realized and prove itself along with fully existing (games and all that being out in the thousands right now). I see Vive and OR doing their own things as well as gaming and there definitely will be support, communities and games to be had for both devices, just like there will be for PSVR, only difference is with an open platform you have the modding community, multiple parties that can offer their own games, software and other devices for VR without having to sign some waver or having to abide by a single corp, I see VR thriving with an open and vast population of people from all parts of life taking their own chances with VR, whether it be via gaming, sports, tech, medical, industrial, science etc, the options are limitless when you place vr with a platform like PC. If you're talking about casual folk well mobile VR is set to take that record quite easily and is far cheaper for those who already own a mobile device.

I just don't see Sony having a massive portion of the VR market while everyone else has  a pittance share.

Step right up come on in, feel the buzz in your veins, I'm like an chemical electrical right into your brain and I'm the one who killed the Radio, soon you'll all see

So pay up motherfuckers you belong to "V"