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FIT_Gamer said:
Ariakon said:

It's funny that hardly any gamers (save for you guys here) ever mention the Show, even though that seems to always be one of the best selling exclusives of the year (seems to do about 300-400k every NPD its launch month) and looks like it is doing quite well again this year, according to Amazon. 

I love The Show. It's hands down the best sports gaming frachise. It outshines the rest in gameplay, content, and asthetics. Also unlike all the other sports games, each year they actually feel like new games, not just the same game with an updated roster. I know it's just my opinion, but as far as i'm concerened my opinion is fact.


I agree with you. The show is the only sports game that i will blindly buy because I know the devs always try to make the game better.