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KBG29 said:
DevilRising said:
So this is what we're doing now? It's gotten so bad that big console makers actually think they can get away with that kind of "minor upgrade", "mid-generation" re-release shit for HOME consoles now?

Sorry......but that is serious BS. The entire point of home console gaming, along with the convenience of playing on your couch, on your TV, is that you buy ONE piece of hardware, and you are able to buy games for just that hardware, for the next 5-6 years, before the next gen console comes out.

If this is going to become the new norm, where they release somewhat upgraded "1.5" models of home systems just a few short years after initial launch......I dunno man. It doesn't speak well for the direction the industry in general has been headed anyway for years....

The thing is, this does not affect your original purchase. All PS4 games will be compatible with PS4 and PS4 Spec 2. You will not have to go out and buy a new console, in fact the time between buying consoles should become even greater.

The only reasons to buy a PS4 Spec 2 are;

1. You have yet to buy a PS4.

2. Your OG PS4 breaks, gets stolen, lost in a storm, etc. 

3. You want the best possible experience and buying a slightly more powerful system is worth the slight upgrade.

It is as simple as that. The games on PS4 Spec 2 are not going to be any different than on the day one PS4. The only difference will be frame rate, resolution, lighting textures, etc. You won't see 64 Players on PS4 Spec 2, and 32 on OG PS4. This is not PS3 to PS4, it is PS4 to PS4+.

This is a great thing for the console industry. It is going to lengthen the life span of the consoles, and it is going to keep them fresh for people joining in years later, and give the core audience a chance to upgrade to better experinces, and not have to wait 5 to 7 years for even minor tech advancements.

As I, and others said above, hopefully this is only the first of at least two major PS4 revisions. I would like to see a PS4 Spec 3 around 2019 or 2020, as tech will still not be ready for a PS5 at that point, but we need something that keeps up with the rest of the tech world. 

4. You will need to purchase the 2 Models because one will have a Lot of Bugs, other will have more games than the previos, and in some games will not take advantage from the Extra Power, and will look the Same thing.

PS5, don't need to be 4K, if Released in 2019, that is a Normal console Cicle 5-6 Years, after 5-6 Years will Release PS6, with 4K Gaming.