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jason1637 said:
Swordmasterman said:

They have a Exclusive Bundle for 300US$, and also the Xbox One, is with YOY Drop on USA, The Hardware isn't selling because the Bundle is too expensive, the Hardware Isn't selling because not even having the Marketing Rights for the Division, moved much hardware, Xbox One, is struggling to maintain their last year sales, while Playstation 4, is Up.


Final Fantasy  Isn't just a JRPG, is a Wester-Style-JRPG, Tetsuya Nomura's Unique Design  is something different from the others JRPG,  if you want to see a True Style-RPG, Dragon Quest, is the one, Final Fantasy, is the kind of franchise that is well received on the West, like Resident Evil, Metal Gear, Dark Souls, all Japanese franchises, with Strong following in the West.

This "New IP" is The Most sucessful New IP of the Modern times, this games has beaten Destiny in his Openning week, is a Huge game, Xbox One, last year also had Fallout's Bundle, that also did not helped they to sell much more consoles, is because they had Tons of games to promote in just 2 Months, Tomb Raider, Halo 5, Fallout, and as i Remember The Elder Scrolls, and Fallout, aways sold better on Xbox, than on Playstation,  but even with the Marketing's Rights, the Fallout 4's Xbox Version, sold less than the Playstation 4's version.


Have a Bundle of a Big Triple A, push Sales, but  people know that they can get the game on other consoles, what will make people purchase your Console ?, is the Games that are avaliable for it, and Xbox One, don't have games with Mass success coming out, also don't have VR Games, Also (2) the Console receive 2 Price cuts per year, people are already waiting it, Plus, they announced a Upgradable Xbox One, so who want to purchase a Xbox One, now are waiting for the New Xbox One to came out.

All multiplats are going to di better on PlayStation this gen. Even if MS had the fallout bundle which actually sold pretty well the game would do better because the ps4 is the best selling console in every country except japan.

Wrong, this does not means nothing, with 20 Millions of Install Base, Xbox One, have the potential to sell some game more than the Playstation 4, despite Playstation 4's Bigger install base, this does not means that Playstation 4, will sell Every game better than Xbox One, but this is what is happening, even on USA, Resident Evil 5, and 6, where PS3, had a Huge Disadvantage, the 2 Versions on USA, sold Nearly the same.

Tekken 6, sold better on PS3, on USA, than the Xbox 360, and the PS3'S USA numbers alone, already are nearly more than Xbox 360's Worldwide numbers.

Street Fighter IV, also sold more on PS3, on USA, than on Xbox 360, on USA.


Bigger install base does not means nothing, and Xbox 360, had 20 Millions more users than PS3, on USA, and have games that sold more than Xbox 360's version, and are Multiplataform.

The difference is that the Xbox 360's Main public was Shooter, and Western games fans, but now PS4, maintened the Japanese, Story-telling, RPG, Action Adventure Fans that purchased the PS3, and also Gained the Ground of those Shooter, and Western fans, because of that  Every PS4 Game, is out-selling a Xbox One game, because the console have 1 Big Fan-base for each genre, only on Shooters, is that Xbox One, can try to get close to PS4 Numbers, and not be Out-sold by 2 to 1, and when isn't Shooter, the number is bigger in favor of PS4.