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Rest assured, the successor system to the Wii will be disruptive. In ways that will upset gamers even more than the Wii has (if you can imagine that). They have already shown their penchant for defying long-held beliefs ("video games need buttons to be played", "two hands are needed to use a controller", "hardware power is king", and so on). Which must leave one wondering: what belief will they conquer next? And what if they've already told us which one it is, and we don't even realize it? I seem to recall a quote from Iwata stating that Nintendo wished to change the way a home console game is played in terms of the visual experience... And you know he doesn't mean "make the visuals better", as that's entirely against his character and the character of Nintendo... Ponder on it and see if you don't spot the likely disruption he's referring to.

Sky Render - Sanity is for the weak.